Something new you'd like to bake this year?

Oct 31, 2014
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I have put off going to the doctor for the last few months as I am always scared he'll tell me I have crossed the line and I refuse to check the levels myself. About the Stevia, I only started using it a few months ago but I don't use it a lot.. While I see all these things I want to try out in the baking department, I am scared because like I said before even though sweet things don't tempt me ordinarily once they are around I pick and pick at them. With baking I want it out of the house as soon as I am finish.

I bought some cream cheese recently to try a cheesecake. I love cheesecake but the guys in the house don't. If I try it I have to get rid of it quickly:share it with friend and family so I won't be tempted to eat it all.
Jul 17, 2013
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Hehehe, I also like to get rid of them quickly ;) I could eat a whole cheese pie on my own if given the chance :p Hence I rarely bake them, but luckily the family loves cheese pies, so they always end up having some ;) Truth is... I love sweet stuff, but its scary to think of the things that could happen. I hope you get checked soon! I need to do the same soon as well, I hope we get good news :)
Mar 19, 2015
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Every year during the Christmas Holiday Season I always dream to bake the traditional Fruit Cake for the occasion but it had never been come true. It is our family favorite and we are just buying the cake in a bakeshop since during the holiday season we are all busy. This year I think I should push true with my plans. There is no more problem since I had already my baking pans and utensils. Just have to come up with the right recipe and the complete ingredients. After all it is still 9 months to go and I do hope my dream will come true.
Jul 17, 2013
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Hi Amy :) Best of luck with your project! You and your family seem to be the only folks who seem to enjoy fruit cake, because so far I've met so many folks who swear they don't like it. I like it too by the way, but we get it from the super market. Would be interesting if we could come up with something better and nicer tasting than the one from the market.
Oct 31, 2014
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Is there is fruit cake discussion going on? I love fruitcake and again it's one of those things I don't like to see too often as I just keep picking at it and picking at it until it is gone. With all the work involved, it's not on my top ten things to do. I'm 'unhappy" just to see it in the house. My mom has a friend who bakes for a living so she always sends her some and she sends me. I told her some time back to ease off. My health screams "stay away",
Jul 17, 2013
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Hahahaha, I know what you mean... I did a very bad thing last Sunday... I'm a very very very bad girl...:oops: Guess what I did? I ate a whole cake on my own, a small one, but still! :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: I just couldn't stand the idea of seeing it there for too long. Hehehehe, so I... ate it :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: It was a carrot one, i baked it.. for my birthday (belated birthday cake, hehehe!). That ought to be one of the fattest things I've ever done in my life..

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