Sneaky Bakers

Nov 4, 2013
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Hmm.. seems like a silly thing to lie about. I feel bad for her that she feels the need to do that.. attention seeking? Feels inadequate? Oh well, whatever it is, it's just as easy to say you bought the item. Many people just don't have the time and it's the thought that counts. I would do it too if it was last minute or I just didn't feel like it, but I would never feel the need to say I made it, it wouldn't even occur to me lol.
Jan 7, 2014
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I have never done it myself however, I know someone who has. My grandmother forgot about a bake sale they were having at her church. She had signed up to bring baked goods to sell but had completely forgotten about it. The morning of the sale she got a phone call from one of her church friends wondering where she was at. She did not want to let the church down as she had already signed up to bring baked goods and had forgotten. So, she rushed to the local grocery store and bought cakes. She took them home and cut them up and put them on pretty platters. She even decorated the platters with candy around them and made a nice display. She even added a thin layer of homemade icing and sprinkles. She then rushed the cakes over to the church for the church bake sale. She never told the ladies at church what she had done. My grandmother has been gone for quite some time now. We miss her a lot but we always get a good laugh out of her stories. We even told the bake sale story at her funeral. Instead of letting her church friends down she made the best out of what she could.Thats just who she was.
Dec 26, 2013
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I have never done this. I think people could see right through it. There's a huge difference in taste when it comes to homemade and store bought baked goods. People can tell right away which one it really is. It's better to be honest. If you ran out of time to bake something, just admit it. There's no shame in doing so.
Dec 18, 2013
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Actually, though I am sure that there are a lot of people that have done this, or that are very tempted to do it, I wouldn't ever do it because I think homemade always tastes better than store bought.

However, I would bake from a box for a pot luck or bake sale.
Jan 27, 2014
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Even though you say you don't trust her enough to include her in your baking, that may be the best thing you could do! You may be surprised at how well she behaves when she is doing a big girl "job" for you!
Feb 24, 2014
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I don't understand why people have to claim something they didn't even bake themselves. I've never witnessed it happening at a potluck, but I would never do it. If there were to be a potluck and I do not have time to bake my own goods, I would buy something nice but I wouldn't actually say that I made it. I would just tell the truth. I don't see the point in lying.
Mar 8, 2014
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No I wouldn't and couldn't do this. I would rather it my own work and I would get such a buzz with the praise knowing I made it myself.
Sep 11, 2013
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Please, Sandra Lee makes millions of dollars doing this with angel food cakes! LOL

Although I've never done it with baked goods to date, I wouldn't rule it out in a pinch. If it was something really basic like some vanilla cupcakes, and perhaps I could frost them myself to make them look completely homemade, I would do it if I was in a hurry. There are some things that are so basic, like a pound cake, that really don't taste a whole lot different when you make them at home from scratch vs. getting them at the grocery store just after they were baked. I wouldn't try to pass off something like a store bought Kolachi as my own though. I think people would catch that in an instant.

Incidentally I have done this with non baked goods. I made a batch of pasta salad for a potluck at work the night before. But when I got up the next morning and tasted it a bit more, I really didn't care for how it came out. So I ran to the store and bought their own pasta salad and doctored it up with some more stuff like roasted red peppers and olives to make it look like I made it.
Sep 7, 2015
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I've known people who do that. Usually it's the "bad, hateful" people at work that do this kind of thing.

I've always had the opposite happen to me though. I make something and bring it to work and everybody wants to know where I bought it from. Nobody believes I can bake!!!

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