New Kitchen stuff,what have you bought lately ?

Mar 26, 2013
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it does cut taters very thin,so there will be some hash browns before long :) it is cutting them so thin,that the color is turning fast on them,so a shot of Lemon juice on taters to stop them from turning brown ? or try to dry them fast ?

I think your best bet would be to put them into cold water immediately - it stops them browning. I haven't tried it with potato that is that thin before though, but I imagine that as long as the water is cold it should be fine (you could pop a couple of ice cubes in there just to be safe)
Mar 19, 2015
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Last December 2015 I already bought new kitchen utensils and stuffs like wire whisks, butter spoon, sets of microwable glass stock containers of different sizes. Because I want as new year 2016 begins I will change these old time utensils and stuffs for a new look in our kitchen
Sep 7, 2015
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here are some old taters that i sliced up,it worked really good,but i am disappointed that there wasn't a blade that would cut them to french fry size,I'm sure it is probably an attempt to get me to buy more blades or blocks or whatever there called :) so i would say so far I am disappointedView attachment 533 with it,but I've yet to use,so we shall see

it does cut taters very thin,so there will be some hash browns before long :) it is cutting them so thin,that the color is turning fast on them,so a shot of Lemon juice on taters to stop them from turning brown ? or try to dry them fast ?

Well, depending on what you are going to do with the taters, you can do a few things to keep them from turning color before you cook them.

Of course, you mentioned lemon juice. But any kind of citrus juice will work.

If I remember correctly, I think my granny patted them with cornstarch to dry them out a bit faster and to keep them from turning so quickly.

You can also keep them in ice, or an ice bath.

Vinegar also works. A light wash with apple cider vinegar water should keep them from turning too quickly as well.

Coating them with buttermilk, egg wash, milk, melted butter, oil or anything like that will keep them from turning too.

Of course, like I said, it depends on what you are going to do with the taters/veggies.
Sep 7, 2015
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here are some old taters that i sliced up,it worked really good,but i am disappointed that there wasn't a blade that would cut them to french fry size,I'm sure it is probably an attempt to get me to buy more blades or blocks or whatever there called :) so i would say so far I am disappointedView attachment 533 with it,but I've yet to use,so we shall see

it does cut taters very thin,so there will be some hash browns before long :) it is cutting them so thin,that the color is turning fast on them,so a shot of Lemon juice on taters to stop them from turning brown ? or try to dry them fast ?

I sure miss my mandolin. I stayed with my sister some time back and I brought that with me, cause I thought Id be cooking for her, but she did all the cooking. I went and left it there when I left. She ended up losing it when she moved. It was one of those German, all stainless mandolins too! I got it for $20.00 on clearance where I worked at the time, and they usually cost around $80.00.

I'd love to have another one, but I've got a food processor now with a slicer attachment, so I just use that.

There are separate attachments you can buy for some mandolin brands. A french fry blade is one of them.
I don't know what brand you bought, but you might look on the companies website that makes those and see if they make extra blades for that. If they do, then you can probably find one for cheap on Ebay.

If you want some instructions, you can probably find a video on Youtube for that brand you got.
If not, then Im sure there are some other mandolin videos you can watch to give you some ideas how it all works.
Aug 18, 2015
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it is a Chefs Inspiration Brand,I do need to get away from frying stuff,I made a salad yesterday and instead of using the Mandolin I used the little knife mom gave me years ago lol it is cutting stuff so thin,I'm not sure what to do with it,I will have to change my cooking with it

hopefully it will make a good cole slaw,which I have problems with,I either use to much mayo or not enough,I need a good recipe that somebody has tried,I asked my mom back when she was alive as to what she did and all she would do is laugh at me :) which didn't help any lol so I think it must have been pretty basic

oooh I need to make some baked beans to go with the slaw and some hamburgers and tater salad too mmmm maybe fire up the grill for the Burgers,if it doesn't get to cold the next couple of days
Aug 18, 2015
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the Cuisinart WMR-CA waffle maker did make a pretty good waffle I do have to say :) I had to cook it at setting 4 to get them a little crisper,I will try one at level 5 the next time and see how it comes out,but it does leave a round brown ring where it heated the waffle up ,that you can plainly see,it should be a consistent shade of brown all over,or so i think any way ;)

I had read on other waffle makers that they coated it in a spray oil the first time they used a brand new one,so I did the same and then no spray oil,I made 3 waffles and none of them stuck,so i guess it is non stick then,we shall see the next time I use it

I made them from a box mix,i haven't tried the recipe that came with it yet,I may do that the next time and make a bunch of them and freeze some and see if that really works or not , can you leave the unused batter in the fridge and use it the next day ? I know a friends wife would make some batter the night before,but I'm not sure if it will last a day or not
Aug 4, 2015
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Online shopping is really addicting and watching videos too :)
I was like you, while watching in joy of baking I get so jealous of her spatula and the next thing I know is I want to have the same spatula! :)

The recent stuff I bought for the kitchen are these glass bakeware so I can use on baking ,when cooking lasagna and cooking other dishes.


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Aug 18, 2015
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mmmm lasagna,I haven't had a good one in a long time,my friend gave me a recipe for a great one,but I've lost,she does cheat and cans her own mater sauce :)
Oct 31, 2014
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I am just back from a trip and even now more than a week later I can't believe I bought nothing new for the kitchen. I kept watching the dollars and saying I was not going to waste the money or get carried away and ended up coming back home empty handed with regards to my kitchen utensils. Now I have 'nightmares' about the things I left behind that are so much cheaper than home. Now I feel like I NEED all these things. I should've, should've, should've. Next time.
Jul 17, 2013
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I haven't bought anything fancy for the kitchen yet, other than a really nice ceramic coated frying pan for my mother :) I plan to buy several pans for cooking and frying as soon as I move to the new house, I plan to spend quite a bit on baking glass and pyrey containers :)
Aug 18, 2015
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well i do like the new spoons and cups,but since there all on the same ring,there a pain to wash,you have to wash them all :)

and why isn't there a 3/4 cup for a measurement ?
Sep 7, 2015
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well i do like the new spoons and cups,but since there all on the same ring,there a pain to wash,you have to wash them all :)

and why isn't there a 3/4 cup for a measurement ?

If it is an American made gadget, then more than likely it should have the 3/4 cup on it. If it is something made in China or some other country....I don't think they use a 3/4 cup measurement, so they usually aren't on there. Unless it's some of that super cheap plastic stuff from China.....those usually have all the measurements that come with them.

Of course, then again, you could have gotten one that was missed on the assembly line.
Feb 8, 2016
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I recently picked up a kitchen aid hand mixer which is perfect for so many things, especially smoothies. Do any of you guys have this mixer, if so what do you use it for?
Aug 18, 2015
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hmmm should I call the company Chester and see if they owe me one ? I may go to weighing stuff instead of by volume

I got a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer for a present Marya a round a years or so ago and now I bake :),do you have a picture of it Marya

and welcome to the Board :)
Sep 7, 2015
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hmmm should I call the company Chester and see if they owe me one ? I may go to weighing stuff instead of by volume

I got a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer for a present Marya a round a years or so ago and now I bake :),do you have a picture of it Marya

and welcome to the Board :)


Well, you can contact the company if you want.

Or you can just use the 1/4 cup, 3 times.
Aug 18, 2015
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I've done that chester,that way the 1/2 cup doesn't need washing :)

well I've been on amazon again,I bought this set of Biscuit cutters

there is 11 of them,so my biscuits will look better after I get them lol and i can make dough nuts too :) the only thing I didn't like is they don't have handles,but I figure I don't make a pile of them at once any way so i went with a quantity of them :)

hmmm a timer,a digital instant read thermometer and a set of scales and I will hopefully be done with them,for a while any way

oh and an adjustable pie ring too
Sep 7, 2015
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I've done that chester,that way the 1/2 cup doesn't need washing :)

well I've been on amazon again,I bought this set of Biscuit cutters

there is 11 of them,so my biscuits will look better after I get them lol and i can make dough nuts too :) the only thing I didn't like is they don't have handles,but I figure I don't make a pile of them at once any way so i went with a quantity of them :)

hmmm a timer,a digital instant read thermometer and a set of scales and I will hopefully be done with them,for a while any way

oh and an adjustable pie ring too

And if you ever want to do Fancy biscuits, you can use these......


You can use large cookie cutters for biscuits as well.
This is especially good for anyone baking for fussy kids who are picky about eating.
Aug 18, 2015
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I bought a Sunbeam timer and it doesn't work right now,there's 3 dollars shot :)

i guess the next one will be digital ,hopefully something that plugs into the wall instead of having to use batteries
Sep 7, 2015
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I bought a Sunbeam timer and it doesn't work right now,there's 3 dollars shot :)

i guess the next one will be digital ,hopefully something that plugs into the wall instead of having to use batteries

Return it and get your money back!

Yeah, digital works good too. But I still prefer the old fashioned kind you twist and it ticks down.

I actually haven't used a timer for eon's. If I need to time something, I just use my alarm clock....but that is rare.

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