Letting Go Of Stuff

Mar 8, 2014
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I went through some of my craft stuff while I was on vacation this last week and plan to sell some of it on Ebay or Etsy. I have not decided which one yet. I will probably do Etsy because I want to get my shop up and running again at some point.
May 2, 2013
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I am the same way it is amazing how many art projects you gather and have sbeting around. One thing you can do is give yourself a date to contemplate a project, if you have not started or finished by that date think about getting rid of it or if you really want to get it done.

Definitely. I saw an episode of Hoarders where this really brilliant and cool guy could not enjoy his loft apartment because it was full of odds and ends that he found in dumpsters and wanted to make art out of.
I can understand the desire to take a piece of junk with potential and turn it into something awesome, but if you never get around to doing the projects, then all you have is a pile of junk.
Jul 17, 2013
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I'm in that process too, I'm getting rid of a lot shoes and clothes I'll definitely don't be wearing anytime soon. I had started to clutter my room again, but right now I'm trying to get rid of everything I believe is no loger useful to me. Trying ot get some money from my old books too. I donated a lot clothing... there were clothes lying in my closet from when I was 13 years old, lol. Things I kept telling myself I'd wear at the end of every year, but didn't and obviously won't now because they look so weird on me now!
May 2, 2013
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I was trying to get rid of some stuff yesterday but ended up buying other stuff.
I was dropping off a box of glass vases at Goodwill because I don't need more than one flower vase, when I spotted a set of red dinner plates.
I thought, "When I cook Chinese food, it will look good on those red plates."
So it's kind of a downsizing fail because I got rid of something but bought something else. It's challenging to try to get rid of stuff.
Mar 8, 2014
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I hate when you find something that food will look really nice on because then you almost have to buy it. I went through my son's clothes yesterday to get rid of one's that don't fir him anymore and the only thing I could think of was that I need to buy him more spring clothes. Out with the old, in with the new I guess.
Jul 17, 2013
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I was trying to get rid of some stuff yesterday but ended up buying other stuff.
I was dropping off a box of glass vases at Goodwill because I don't need more than one flower vase, when I spotted a set of red dinner plates.
I thought, "When I cook Chinese food, it will look good on those red plates."
So it's kind of a downsizing fail because I got rid of something but bought something else. It's challenging to try to get rid of stuff.

Ow, it happens to me all the time, hehehe! But Don't worry, getting rid of some stuff is a very important step! Plus, those plates are something you will be using =D
May 2, 2013
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I picked up a sofa. When I lost my apartment, my sofa got ruined in the rain.
So I felt pretty blessed to find a sage green velvet overstuffed Pottery Barn sofa that was being tossed out by someone selling their condo.
But now my storage is full, so hopefully I'll find another apartment soon.
Jul 17, 2013
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So sorry to hear that! I hope you find a new apartment soon, best of luck. As for the sofa, that ought to be a very lucky find! When you find another apartment you can work on freeing your life from other stuff too, just like I'm trying to do! Today I'll get rid of some old books, I'm in the process to decide which books go and which ones stay.
May 2, 2013
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So sorry to hear that! I hope you find a new apartment soon, best of luck. As for the sofa, that ought to be a very lucky find! When you find another apartment you can work on freeing your life from other stuff too, just like I'm trying to do! Today I'll get rid of some old books, I'm in the process to decide which books go and which ones stay.
I already went through my books but I only gave up two boxes full.
I'm the kind of person who goes back and reads my favorite books again.
Jul 17, 2013
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Oh wow! Two full boxes! I don't think I could get rid of that many books, because, like you, I love reading my favorite books again =D But I need to make a tough decision right now, I'm trying to decide which books I'll most likely never pick again (there are a few).
May 2, 2013
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Oh wow! Two full boxes! I don't think I could get rid of that many books, because, like you, I love reading my favorite books again =D But I need to make a tough decision right now, I'm trying to decide which books I'll most likely never pick again (there are a few).
I gave away a stack of magazines, because the only magazines I actually reread are video game magazines. There have been times when referring to back issues of Xbox magazine has kept me from buying a bad game. Their reviews were always spot on.
Mar 8, 2014
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I never keep my old magazines for more than a couple of months. That could be because the only ones I really get are the cooking and organizing ones and can just rip out the pages I want to keep. Last year I got rid of quite a few books, but I had owned them for years and knew that I was never going to look at them again. I just filled another donation bag yesterday and I am hoping to fill a 2nd tonight.
Jul 17, 2013
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I gave away a stack of magazines, because the only magazines I actually reread are video game magazines. There have been times when referring to back issues of Xbox magazine has kept me from buying a bad game. Their reviews were always spot on.

Awesome! So you are also an avid gamer too =D I must confess I have only bought video game magazines only once, after that I've gotten most reviews online or from friends. The books I'm getting rid of range from cooking to language learning =D
May 2, 2013
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I get such of a feeling of nostalgia from looking at old video game magazines.
Even though they're a burden to move from place to place, they're the only magazines I'll keep.

I donated some purses that I don't use anymore to Goodwill but I bought a hot pot also known as an electric kettle. They are handy if you drink a lot of tea or like to eat cup ramen because they heat water up in 4 minutes. I found one for $4 at Goodwill.
Jul 17, 2013
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Cool! I like those electric kettles, I want to get one of those for myself as well! My cousin has one and you are right, they do heat water super fast. Definitely handy!

Still working on cleaning my space ;) Got a lot used notebooks...
May 2, 2013
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The pain in the butt part of downsizing my stuff is that I never really unpacked after I lost my apartment ,so there are several items that I know I want to donate but I can't find them because they're in boxes.

On an unrelated topic, is it worth it to keep 6 or 7 big candles just in case the power goes out, or should I just get rid of them? It feels like it's been a long time since we had a major storm.
Mar 8, 2014
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I would keep the candles just in case. You never know when you will need them and wished you had them. I got rid of a bunch of things over the last month, but a new Value Village opened in my town and I am going to go shopping this week...only to get more stuff!
Feb 22, 2015
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I already went through my books but I only gave up two boxes full.
I'm the kind of person who goes back and reads my favorite books again.
I used to collect books, too because I'm such a reader and I believe others would find the same things in that book or this book useful or inspiring or beautiful or....you get it.
But I watched a Hoarder show and wow did it feel good to lighten my life by the time I finished. The books were the first to be sorted and ruthlessly evaluated. Now I have only one little bookcase with ONLY the most absolute best books that will not leave my possession until they are handed down at my death. Copyright 1856, on up.
I tackled the kitchen next, and Man, what a job that was. It took as long to do that room as the bedroom and the spare room. But it's done!!!!! I have empty floor space, my surfaces are bare except for photos, and on and on.
Now, when I go to the thrift store, I have a specific reason and won't buy anything else. And I'm super careful when I ride along with my friends, cuz I know me and don't want to be talked into anything, or get caught up in the excitement of scoring a good deal....
Feb 4, 2015
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I collected a lot of stuff and then I had to lose it all/sell it all off through multiple bouts of homelessness and struggles financially. I remember having half a library of good books and manga/anime. I had plenty (if not all) the old retro consoles up through PS2. I had so many games. Now I barely have a tote full of closes and a couch to crash on, but I ain't complaining. Life switches and we have to roll with the punches. That's how I came to let go of things. I had no choice.
May 2, 2013
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I'm giving up my fish tank to Goodwill because I love bettas but I have to be honest with myself and admit that I don't like special ordering small replacement filter screens from a mail order catalog and that cleaning a fish tank sucks.
I'm just going to get a big fishbowl so that I can enjoy my little fish without the BS of an aquarium. It's a lot easier to change the water in a fishbowl.

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