It's So Sad About Paula Deen

Jul 8, 2013
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I always liked Paula Deen and thought her food looked rich and decadent and awesome.
I'm disappointed by the things she said and her weak defense for using the N word.
My daughter says "Well, she's an older Southern woman, so maybe she was raised in an environment where people talked like that."

Have you been following this news story and do you think she made a mistake or do you think she deserves to lose everything?
It's just the day and age we are living in; with all of the technology and tweeting and recording of EVERYTHING, you can't be racist/sexist/just plain mean behind closed doors anymore. Not that I think it's okay, but celebrities have to be extra careful of what they put out there in public. Comes with the territory of being a celebrity.
May 2, 2013
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I was at Walmart yesterday and the Paula Deen flavored herb butters were marked down from $3 to $1. I thought that Walmart had dropped all Paula Deen products, but I guess they had to sell that last batch of butter first.
Jan 2, 2014
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Even though this thread is old, I'm going to comment. I feel that Paula didn't do anything wrong. She said the "n" word and I totally expect her to. Why?? because as humans, we say or atleast think things that we have been told we shouldn't. I loved her show and I still would love to eat dinner at her house. I'm not going to let a "word" have that much power over my thoughts and feelings towards others. It's just a word and she deserves to be back on tv.
May 20, 2013
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I don't think she's being punished to excessively. Celebrities need to learn they will be held accountable for their actions and words. She's also under fire for recent things she's said, not just the ones from a couple years ago. I believe it would've have been better if she stopped making excuses and half apologies. She acts like a child that did something wrong and is now making a mumbling apology while mumbling more nonsense under her breath.

People are quick to make people who post things on the internet or sext deal with what they did so this should be no different. Just like that situation, it's out there and she can never take it back. Now she has to deal with it.

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