How old is too old and how young is too young?

Jul 17, 2013
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Up until recently I only dated men who were older than me, the oldest being 19 years older than I was (what a mess that was) and the average being 5-7 years older than I am. My current boyfriend is 3 years younger than me and I think that is as young as I would go. But I don't like to put set limits on these types of things because I think maturity levels really depend on the person.

My current boyfriend is 4 years older :) I could never see myself with younger guy! And wow... almost 20 years of difference!? How old are you girl? If you don't mind me asking, of course! It's just you made me curious, since you said it was a mess. I once had a long relationship with someone who was 10 years older, it was a long painful and messy relationship to be honest.
May 2, 2013
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I don't really have much of an age preference but because my taste in music ,video games and TV shows is so young, I'd rather have fun with a young guy than date an older guy.
My ex was 11 years older than me and I didn't like a lot of his music or the old movies that he liked, so we didn't have a lot of entertainment in common and conversations about music got a little boring sometimes.

Entertainment isn't everything, but it would be fun to enjoy movies and concerts with a partner that's into the same things. I would say that anything under age 21 is too young for me.
Mar 8, 2014
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I guess in the long run it all depends on how much you have in common. I don't think there are any specific rules as it is all about chemistry.
Jul 12, 2014
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For dating, I usually stick to people that are no more than 2 years younger or older than myself. I prefer people who are older than me, but some of my friends prefer being the old one in their relationship. I would understand if the person you like is a lot older than you but you guys just click and are perfect for each other, but for some reason I don't feel like it works if the person you're in love with is way younger than you.

Then again it just might be my upbringing and how I was "taught" to think :p
Oct 7, 2014
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A bit of an age gap doesn't matter so long as you love each other, but I would much rather date people the same age because then you have a similar level of life experience to share. My boyfriend and I met at university and are the same age, which means we get to deal with new experiences for the first time together.
Feb 4, 2015
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I'm with the "age gaps don't matter if it's love" argument, but I've been the forever alone guy for as long as I can remember, only ever having one girlfriend/lover -- so I can't really say I have the right to speak on this topic. I haven't met anyone (yet) but I keep trying. Can only strike out so much before one person says yes, I guess.

But love is love. If I felt it, I'd chase it down regardless of age.
Apr 13, 2015
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My husband is 6 months younger than me and that was the youngest I had ever dated. Oldest was 4 years older than me. It's safe to say my husband who is younger than me is far more mature than the boyfriend I had that was older! So in that sense I think it can be hard to put a cap on things. Maturity is different for the individual so it's difficult to give an exact limit in either direction.
Feb 4, 2015
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Yeah, it does often rely on the maturity of the individual this much is true.
Mar 19, 2015
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When I am not yet married I dated only two guys in my life. One guy is the same as my age and the other one is 4 years older than me and who is now my husband. I think there is no age preference when it comes to dating as long as the intention are real and true and that both of you are comfortable to know each other well there is no such big deal about it.
Mar 8, 2014
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My husband is 6 months younger than me and that was the youngest I had ever dated. Oldest was 4 years older than me. It's safe to say my husband who is younger than me is far more mature than the boyfriend I had that was older! So in that sense I think it can be hard to put a cap on things. Maturity is different for the individual so it's difficult to give an exact limit in either direction.
I do not think that maturity is measured in age, but how the person was raised and life experience. I know men who are far older than me that are much less mature than men way younger than them. It really just depends on the person I guess. Some women like men who are not that mature, but I am not one of them.

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