Holiday Baking

Jul 13, 2017
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Maybe the taste was just for me... but I'm starting to dislike chocolate cakes that only contain a bit of cocoa powder and not melted chocolate.

The second cake tasted much better and had a nice, moist-but-light texture. I'll say that I wish I'd stuck to a whipped-cream filling, as the white chocolate made it a bit too sweet for my taste, especially with the ganache outside, but it did make it look more Christmasy. I took my basic vanilla swiss roll recipe, modified from a 5-egg base to 4-egg (everything is metric so it's so easy to adjust it up or down) which made each layer thinner, and I swapped out some of the flour for cocoa powder, plus added four squares of melted chocolate. I made each layer separately, as I baked in a water-bath, and I only have one outsized sheet pan to put underneath. I'm going to be making that again without the white chocolate. (Fun fact, I had the bright idea of trying to repurposes some of the large bag of gummy worms I'd bought for my Halloween project, and used the heads of the red worms for the holly berries, but melting the green worm bodies with an iron between parchment sheets to make the leaves didn't work. They never re-set, even in the freezer.So I made some green frosting and cut some simple index-card templates, and just spread it on as I had run out of time and it was way faster than piping. :)
Interesting... I don't think I've come across a recipe for a chocolate cake that called for melted chocolate but, in all fairness, I stopped looking for new chocolate cake recipes after finding my current favorite. I am definitely intrigued now, I'll have to look into it! The chocolate cake recipe that's my favorite calls for cocoa powder and a bit of black cocoa (here's the recipe). It makes a very moist cake and is not overly sweet.

I love the fact you re-purposed the Halloween gummy worms!! That's real clever! I wonder if flattening the pieces with a rolling pin would work. Rolling it out thin and then cutting out the leaves shapes. Although on second thought, those gummy candies are not very pliable to begin with, so maybe not!

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