First Baking Experience?

Mar 19, 2015
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My first baking experienced is when I was in high school and I am alone in the house. I tried it that way because I do not want my mother to interfere with my interest to learn by myself alone. I remembered the first I had tried is Chocolate Crinkles. It is just easy to bake but that first time is a flopped. It does not rise or crack the way it should be. Then I realized that my measurement for the baking powder is wrong and I did not preheat the oven very well before baking it. Then after that I made a second try up to fourth try I think until I perfect it already.
Jul 17, 2013
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I was no child when I baked my first batch or cookies (or at least I tried). I was probably 16 years old, I had found a cookie recipe I thought sounded good. I was wrong, they turned hard and not good at all, they were like mini hard breads, lol. Sad thing is I followed the instructions, but the cookies weren't any good. Never tried a recipe from that site again.
Jul 17, 2013
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My mother wasn't around much (single mother, worked a lot to keep us afloat), but I baked with Grandma from the time I was able to hold a spoon. So no, I don't remember my first baking experience. It was probably cake or cookies and I probably ate too much of the batter to get a good batch out of the deal lol (plus batches were much smaller back in the day). Miss her xo

Hahahaha, glad to read I wasn't the only one eating the batter :p I know it is so dangerous to eat something with raw egg in it, but I just couldn't help myself, I specially loved cookie batter ;) It was a real treat even more than the finished cookies.

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