Do you have certain days for baking, or just when the mood arises?

Jul 29, 2014
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I am a bit erratic when it comes to baking cakes - I tend to bake cakes at the weekend, and maybe once during the week, but I only bake cookies once a while. Bread is always done on a Thursday (a big batch for the week), and any experimenting outside of that is just when I have time to fit it in.

As a kid, my mother would always bake on a Sunday afternoon, and occasionally during the week, so I think I grew up thinking that baking was a routine rather than an impromptu thing.

How often do you bake, and do you have set days for doing it?
Apr 22, 2015
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Pattycakes, my mother did her baking on the weekend as well, only she did it on Saturdays. She made pies, cookies and these yummy soft and fluffy dinner rolls that went with the traditional Saturday evening meal of baked beans. Those rolls were an all-day process.

I find that I tend to do prep-work on Sunday - chopping onions, prepping broccoli, mincing garlic - all for the upcoming week of meals. As for baking, I do it whenever the mood strikes me. Today, I'm making banana muffins because the bananas need to be used. Later, I might make some cookies ... who knows!
Jul 17, 2013
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I bake whenever the mood and the craving for a particular thing strikes. Otherwise I just don't, because I'm trying to stay in shape and lose some of the weight I gained last year (not much, but having such a hard time losing it). But when I feel like having some nice pecan or cheese pie... I go for it!
Sep 25, 2014
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My grandmother used to bake bread once per week. I don't remember which day, but probably Saturday, to have fresh bread for Sunday dinner. I don't have a baking day. I just bake whenever I feel like it or on special occasions.
Nov 19, 2014
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My schedule limits me to pretty much weekends only. On work days I am rarely home for long enough to bake without ending up staying up to late cleaning up and waiting for the baked goods to cool sufficiently to be put away.
Mar 24, 2015
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We work our food around our schedule. So if my OH is cooking and he is due to be away all day with work on a Tuesday, then cooking is Monday or Wednesday.
I tend to make the sourdough bread as and when I want to, but today it was arranged that way. It was meant to have been yesterday but I was too tired, so I put it off. that is the great thing about sourdough, you can delay it as much or as little as needed. But we don't really have a set day for anything in particular.
Oct 7, 2014
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Tuesday seems to have become my baking day. I'll do some research and plan what I want to make over the weekend and monday and then spend Tuesday morning testing out my ideas. Trying to do it consistently every week so that I can keep up with it and hopefully improve :D.
Mar 19, 2015
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During weekdays when I am always busy I had no time for baking. I always schedule to bake something on a weekend if I am on a mood and if I had the stock of ingredients at hand and if we are all together at home bonding with each other.
Oct 31, 2014
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It used to be a Sunday night thing for me when I was just baking my box cakes. Sundays and National Holidays are still my preferred times, but recently I have digressed to whenever the mood hits me. It's Saturday and I feel like trying a banana bread: something with a twist.
Apr 13, 2015
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For me these days it's usually during the day on a weekend. I used to do more mid-week baking before my little one came along, but these days it's easier if my husband is home from work to supervise while I do my baking. Otherwise if she starts fussing I have to stop what I'm doing and attend to her, and often times it's been right in the middle of a critical part of the process! I just find it more relaxing when I can focus on the task at hand! Plus if I do Sunday baking, hubby often takes some of the yummies into work the next day -- which is a good thing as it means the stuff is not left in the house for me to snack on! ;)
Oct 31, 2014
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So today is Sunday and I did not bake yesterday so it's going to be sometime shortly. I have my sights set on another banana bread. I am hoping the banana I left in the fridge is still good enough. It's the first time I am going to be using bananas that have been stored. I hope it works out well. Cupcakechef, soon your little one will be helping in the kitchen. Sunday baking allows me to take some to work not to eat but to give away and get it out of my way so I don't keep picking at it.
Jun 27, 2014
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Since i am home most of the time i don't really set aside a day for baking; i just bake whenever i am in the mood or whenever i have all my ingredients at hand.
Oct 31, 2014
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I did my Sunday baking which is my preferred day. I did another banana bread but it had a flaw. Again, it was a little overdone and then I added raisins and I saw these little dots of flour between some of the raisins when the bread was finished:(. Not good at all. Still on the up side, the taste was great and after I took care of the dry ends (me and my pets) everything was fine.
Feb 4, 2015
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Generally it's when the need arises. However as of late and the weather is more beautiful and I can have my windows open is baking nonstop bread dishes. Not only does the aroma fill my small little apartment I can smell it from outside enjoying my garden and the sun finally. It's nice to not have negative weather, snow, and ice. I'm enjoying it immensely.
Mar 8, 2014
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I usually do my baking on the weekdays and it usually happens at night, because we never have much time to do that stuff on the weekends. I bake cookies all the time because I like to give my family fresh treats for their lunches. Cakes and brownies are made when the mood strikes us.
May 23, 2015
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I typically only bake on the weekends, since I don't often have time in the week unless I'm really in the mood for it, but then it's typically something fast like cookies! The smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies always put me in a better mood! :)
Oct 31, 2014
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Today is my favourite day to bake as I have said before and because tomorrow is a Public Holiday it is an ideal time for baking. I am overworking my banana bread but I am going to try yet another. I am not going to pause until I get the exact consistency that my son wants. The last one where I added some apple sauce and oil he thought was too greasy and I kind of agree. So it's banana bread again to day and maybe some cookies.
Feb 4, 2015
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I have to agree it's mostly when the mood strikes, but indeed Holidays are a time to break out the baking.

I baked some breads today too - cinnamon swirl and some zucchini bread. They usually go over smashingly well and I never have anything but empty cookware to clean/take home from the events, so I guess I'm not a horrible baker haha!
Mar 10, 2015
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I'd like to bake more often but I don't. I have some recipes I've come across (including some here) but they are just put away until I can. I usually cook everyday but because I'm also the one doing everything else really I don't take time to do actual baking. On Sundays, which is supposed to be my day off/lazy day, I try to do something different but that usually means cooking something different. If it's a special day I 'll probably bake but won't experiment. I'll go to my tried and true recipes so I wont mess anything up. LOL I want to bake more though especially since my king helps me out cooking already. =o)
Oct 31, 2014
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I have to agree it's mostly when the mood strikes, but indeed Holidays are a time to break out the baking.

I baked some breads today too - cinnamon swirl and some zucchini bread. They usually go over smashingly well and I never have anything but empty cookware to clean/take home from the events, so I guess I'm not a horrible baker haha!

I keep hearing about this zucchini bread/cake. A friend had some recently and keeps telling me how really got it was. I looked up a recipe some time back but it looked like it called for way too many ingredients. I am known for liking quick and easy recipes. Last night I made yet another banana cake and I think I have my recipe perfected.

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