Do you have a live herb garden in your kitchen?

Aug 18, 2015
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I would love to have my own herb/fruit/vegetable garden at home. They say using them fresh is way better than the store bought ones. Problem is, I don't have a green thumb. I tried planting chili pepper on my window sill. It grew until a foot long so I transferred it on a garden plot. I was so happy with my accomplishment. Unfortunately, after 2 days the insects got to it. Ate all the leaves and leaving my plant dead :(. Now I am giving it another try and this time I will give time for it to grow bigger before I transfer it. Fingers crossed that my chili pepper will be a success and then I can try other kinds of vegetation.

I just buy a 6 pack of plants and plant them straight into the garden and they all ways do good
Oct 31, 2014
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Funny I should see this now. I still don't have a live herb garden in my kitchen but only a while ago I went outside and smiled warmly when I saw that my garden was filled with some sort of produce. It's been revived after many, many months of being overgrown with bush.
Dec 21, 2015
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I have several herbs usually but now only basil. Basil was the only one surviving the beginning of the winter that was very cold. I am buying right now parsley, mint, thyme, rosemary and lemon balm. I will consider some more and if you have some ideas for me It would be very nice.
Aug 28, 2016
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No I do not, but since the outside one is turning into a mess and I will probably never be able to contend with that, I should consider a kitchen garden in the true sense of the words.
No, I don't, but I do have a selection of herbs in pots on a low wall just outside the kitchen. Most herbs thrive in pots. Parsley does very well, as do origanum, sage, celery and and thyme - the latter just spills over the side of the pot; really looks nice. Perennial basil also does very well in a pot though one needs to trim it from time to time as it is a very vigorous grower. And I have peppadews that have grown for several years in pots. I refresh the soil in the pots with an addition of compost just gently worked into the soil and a little sprinkle of fertilizer.
Jul 7, 2016
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Well I really wish that I did, but I also consider myself pretty lucky to have the neighbors that we have right now. They have an herb garden and a vegetable garden and they are always nice enough to share a little bit with us. I know that basil and oregano is so much better when it is fresh, and they usually have loads of it, which is perfect for me. Good stuff, and thanks for sharing.
Oct 31, 2014
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No, I don't, but I do have a selection of herbs in pots on a low wall just outside the kitchen. Most herbs thrive in pots. Parsley does very well, as do origanum, sage, celery and and thyme - the latter just spills over the side of the pot; really looks nice. Perennial basil also does very well in a pot though one needs to trim it from time to time as it is a very vigorous grower. And I have peppadews that have grown for several years in pots. I refresh the soil in the pots with an addition of compost just gently worked into the soil and a little sprinkle of fertilizer.
I have to Google origanum and peppadews. It's the first time I am seeing these names. I am happy to say my garden is not so much a mess anymore. I have hot peppers, sweet peppers, parsley, sweet potatoes, eggplant and this week I got cassava. I like the pot idea though. I am terrified of what might jump out at me from the garden. I suspect much won't jump out at me from a pot.....hopefully.
Mar 8, 2014
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I am not going to have a live herb garden in my kitchen, but I do plan on having one right outside of my patio door. The house I am moving into has a patio doors right off the kitchen and so I am going to do a barrel planter out there and devote it to live herbs. I am going to do basil, chives, thyme, rosemary and parsley. We are going to be as self sustaining as possible.
Jul 24, 2016
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Our herbs are in the front yard planter box. However, we have no more herbs except mint. Our peppermint was the only herb that has weathered the attack of the birds. The first to go was the cilantro. But anyway, that mint is very useful since it is prolific with so many leaves and branches that we can pick whenever we have house guests especially when we cook special foods. Mint is a very good plate garnishing.
Aug 23, 2016
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Since my house's kitchen is being lead by my mom, I won't say that she doesn't like having plants in the kitchen, but we live in a region which is really warm and therefore, our house is really warm inside all the time so that definitely would kill any plant.
Oct 31, 2014
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I am keeping an eye on things around here. My help is inconsistent and I am not great at gardening. I am afraid of lots of crawling things. I just hope things don't start going wild. I got some parsley recently and I was very excited.
Jun 27, 2017
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I like the looks of the kitchen herb garden, but it would totally not be practical in my tiny trailer house . There is only so much space on the walls, and most of that is used up by windows, cupboards and shelves, already.
I have a back deck on the trailer and my herbs and small planters are all out there, at least in the summer. By the time it is too cold, I rearrange the house so that I can bring them inside and put the pots in front of the windows for the winter sun.

I, too, live in a trailer. I did have a garden window put in over the kitchen sink, and that has been a boon over the years for herbs. Have a cat that found it to be a warm and sunny spot, too, so had to make room for him. I don't have an abundance of herbs, but certainly basil, rosemary, oregano, and chives right now.

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