Baking tools you've inherited and/or intend to pass down

Jan 7, 2014
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My grandmother was the head cook at our local high school. She was one of the greatest cooks I have ever known! Before she retired, she bought all of the grandkids the giant cookie sheets they used at the highschool to make cookies for the school. These cookie sheets are massive! I love mine and think of her everytime I use them. They are very large, so they barely fit in my oven! I love them! Another thing that I received was my grandmother's aprons. She used to make them herself and wear them all the time. When she passed, my grandpa gave my sister and I each a couple of them. They are very special to me and I wear them while using the cookie sheets she gave me. I miss her everyday, but I love that I have the memories I do with her.
Dec 8, 2013
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I have not inherited any cookware or pieces from my mom or grandmother. A lot of this has to do with the amount of moving my family did when I was a child and items getting lost. I do have China though given to me from a friend.
Jan 10, 2014
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I got my Grandma's wooden spoons and recipe book, her recipe book is full of old fashioned recipes and modern and is a bible for baking a must see and bake from

I myself will be passing down things like my sugar thermometer, my own personal recipe file and books and my vast cake moulds and tins
Sep 11, 2013
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The only things I have left I believe are my grandmothers rolling pin - which is basically just a thick and worn out dowel rod, it wasn't even an actual commercial rolling pin. In addition to fond memories of cooking with her and my mom with it, I also got whacked with it many times as well, lol. It's a bit of a bittersweet hand me down.

I think my mom still has some of the aluminum bread pans she used to use to bake zucchini bread in, as well as the mason jars she used to make canned tomatoes - but that's it from what I recall.
Jan 10, 2014
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I have my Grandma's baking tins they are so old and although i am embracing silicon moulds and modern techniques you cannot beat the old school ways. I worked under James Martin for a number of years and we used modern gadgets like thermo mixes etc but they undercooked things like choux pastry and i told James that my hands can do a better job maybe not as fast as the machine but a better job and he agreed
Jan 17, 2014
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I could kick myself for not paying better attention to the kitchen equipment my mother had. She always cooked with Le Creuset bake ware and if I'd only known how great that brand was when I was younger, I would have kept it all rather than donating it to charity after she passed away.
Mar 10, 2014
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I have gotten a lot of hand-me-downs from my Grandmother through the years, because she was making room for new stuff. My favorite of these "bequests" was her green/yellow Kitchenaid Mixer, which I still use today. I've also received plates, bowls, silverware, place mats and tablecloths, among other things. I've also received cast iron pans from my other Grandmother, which was a real bequest. I would like to pass along the Kitchenaid to my children, providing it still works. :)
Mar 30, 2014
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I come from a greedy family so I never got to inherit anything. All the stuff passed down went to a cousin who then sold the stuff in a yard sale so they could get new. I'm not lucky in getting anything.
Apr 3, 2014
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I inherited the CusineArt mixer from my mother. I mean, she had my name and birth date engraved on one of the mixing bowls when I was born; it's one of those ones they sold during one of the companies anniversaries too. (It was either 25 years or 50, I forget) I've grown up using the mixer, and I hope my kids will grow up using it too! It's a very nice mixer and works wonderfully. :D It's this really pretty white color; it sort of looks like marble and is slightly sparkly? I don't know man, it's just a pretty mixer.
May 8, 2014
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Almost all of my baking tools have been handed down to me from my mother. I inherited things like her ceramic and glass baking dishes, springform pans, various pie pans, mixers, and more. I'm really happy to have these things because they remind me of her when I use them.
Jun 4, 2014
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Okay, so I don't actually own anything. But, my aunt has this 3 mixing bowl set that she got from my great grandmother. They are seriously huge. My grandmother use to have to stand on a stool to be tall enough to mix in it. I hoping that since her daughter doesn't like to cook and doesn't want to host the big family get togethers, if she decides to pass on the cooking torch I'll get them. Probably not, she has two grandchildren also. So, I have a dream inheritance that a totally plan on passing on to my kids, future, future kids that is.
Apr 26, 2014
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I have lots of pots & pans, plus a rolling pin from my grandmother. I also have quite a few recipe books that were hers too!
Jun 10, 2014
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I've inherited baking equipment, and pans from my mother. I received cookie cutters, several sized muffin pans, a heavy mixer, and a hand mixer. I received several seasoned black colored cast iron skillets, glass bake ware, two glass pots- vision ware- and a glass tea pot.
Jun 18, 2014
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I have not received anything that I plan on "passing down." However, I have quite a few gadgets that I absolutely adore and help me out immensely in the kitchen. If my kids like cooking as much as I do, I will make sure they receive these tools as gifts for Christmas and birthdays. The KitchenAid Stand Mixer is obviously number 1 but I also swear by my slow cooker and out of everything, my silicone spatula!
Jul 17, 2013
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Sadly I inherited only a cake mold with the shape of a heart only. My grandmother had plenty of baking tools, but I didn't get to see a single one of them. My sister kept everything for herself, even a picture of our grandma when she was younger. I really wanted that picture of grandma :( She didn't even let my mom have anything from her own mother!
Jul 17, 2013
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My grandmother was a excellent cook. I used to watch her cook and bake in her kitchen. She gave my mom most of her cast iron, frying and baking pans. She gave her some nice silverware sets. I inherited them from my mom. We cook with these items on a special occasion such as the holidays. I would like to past the pans and cast iron down to my daughter. I hope my daughter inherit all of my cookware.

Wow, my grandma had some really nice cast iron pans, I have never been able to get some of my own, at least not of the same quality as my grandma's. It must be so nice to know you are cooking in one of your grandmother's pans. Wish I could say the same :( My sister kept everything for herself, she didn't even let my mom take a picture of her own mother when she was younger.
Sep 28, 2013
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My grandmother and mother didn't bake and I had a dysfunctional childhood.

But I have a lot of baking stuff of my own to give my daughter, even if not all of it is heirloom quality. I have some adorable Nordic Ware pans that make Bundt cakes in the shape of flowers, a Nordic Ware castle shaped cake pan.
a Wilton pan that makes cakes shaped like skulls, I have 3 boxes of different cookie cutters I've collected over the years, heart shaped brownie pans,
a big Paula Dean wooden pastry rolling board with pie measurements on it.
There's more crap but I don't want to post a wall of text.

I didn't grow up with those domestic traditions so I'm trying to be the first generation of my family that does normal family stuff, like bake skull shaped cakes with Dia De Los Muertos icing while listening to Japanese techno music with my daughter.

Wow, so sorry ACSAPA, I can relate unfortunately. Not much to speak of inherited here, either. I have a lot that I want to pass down, too, and I really want to share that generation link/heritage with my kids that was never really shared with me growing up. It's something that's always been important to me.

Dia De Los Muertos and J-pop sound like a great starting point for traditions ;). How fun.
Aug 16, 2017
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The one thing I have is an ancient ice cream scoop that I got from my parents. I use it for everything - meatballs, cookies, ice cream.... It is the one thing my daughter asked for some time, so I have put it in a codicil in my will just to make sure it gets to the right person.
May 16, 2018
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I grew up with what are now some pretty great vintage pieces. My mother passed away 2 years ago and I have her very first Cook Book with all of the handwritten recipes she would make when she and my father were first together (late 40's, early 50's) cookie sheets, baking tins, cookie cutters, Bowls, Pyrex, a cake decorating set that is at least 50 yrs old, the first electric mixer I was ever allowed to use... it's a Sunbeam, and it still works!

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