What is the first item a child should bake?

Jan 2, 2014
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My son first baked chocolate chip cookies with his dad. It was one of those Pillsbury cookie dough rolls you get in the grocery store. My boyfriend was going to bake some for our sons and our oldest asked if he could help. It was very simple but my son felt as if he had accomplished something huge and was extremely happy.
Jan 19, 2014
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Hello! I remember that I got an easy bake oven when I was little. I did well in school so my dad took me to toys r us. I can't seem to remember if that was the first thing I baked or not.

On another note, I have a 3 year old niece that lives at my house right now with her mom and dad. I don't know what age they are supposed to be but she's so rowdy I don't know if I would trust her to follow the simple directions! However, the first thing I think I would trust her to help me with is cookies. They're easy to make and if she ate some of the dough it wouldn't worry me too much.
Feb 3, 2014
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Anything they can actually do for themselves,with not too much help from yourself. My daughter is 5 now and has been in the kitchen helping since she was a little dot,lol. She makes her own pastry,cookies,cakes,gravy...now and loves cooking anything with me,I just dont let her take things out of the oven when they are hot. Have fun and enjoy this special time together.
Jan 19, 2014
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That sounds so pleasant! I hope that someday when I have a child, he or she will be as well behaved in the kitchen as your daughter! Now I just have to work on my neice. Maybe I can turn her around and start trying to teach her how. I think she would like that.
Jan 22, 2014
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I agree the pre-made Pillsbury cookie dough is a great way to get a child interested in baking. If you start them off with something too difficult they may become disinterested and if it doesn't turn out right they'll feel a sense of failure and not want to bake again any time soon. But that cookie dough roll (even the ones that are pre-cut in circles) is a no-fail! Perfect for a new little baker to feel like they are helping, and they're making something delicious and easy.

I think after that the next step would be brownies. With a box mix and a little adult help, a child can easily measure out the water and oil, crack the eggs and beat the batter. They can even have some fun with some candy mix-ins if you want. Brownies are pretty hard to mess up, so this could be another great baking accomplishment and another recipe on their new baker resumé. :)
Dec 14, 2013
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The first item a child should bake is a cake. I use to bake cakes with my grandmother. I learned how to measure, sift and stir the ingredients. I had so much fun in the kitchen. I learned every aspect about baking.
May 2, 2013
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I think the Pillsbury premade dough or a simple sugar cookie recipe are good ways to get a kid started baking. I agree that if you try to get a kid to bake a cake with 20 ingredients, that kid will never want to bake again because they'll be discouraged. Even those simple peanut butter cookies that have 2 or 3 ingredients would be good for a kid to attempt.


When I was a kid, the first thing I baked were cookies. Peanut butter cookies to be exact. On the back of the peanut butter jar there were instructions on how to make them, so I decided: why not? Every since, I've fallen in love with baking, however, I'm not too great at it. Cookies, overall, are easy to make. If you don't mind your children getting a bit messy, then I suggest making cookies.
Feb 18, 2014
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When my sister was younger, the first thing she backed was muffins. She loved it, and continued baking all sorts of muffins all year round. Now she has started baking cakes and even enjoys making pizza. She has become a pro at making pizza for the family.
Feb 19, 2014
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Honestly, I think the first thing a child should bake is a batch of cookies! They'll enjoy it and have a lot of fun experimenting with different flavors and even shapes.
Apr 14, 2014
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I started out with my Easy Bake Oven! It sat on the kitchen counter, right by the toaster. I'd make my small creation, usually a small cake or cookies, doing it the "easy way". Then, after my mom and I ate my masterpiece, she'd get out her big cookbook and we'd pick out a bigger version of what I had made, and she'd show me how to make it the real way. While I was too young to remember the details on my own, it left a mark. It gave me the chance to learn how "big kids" and "mommies" bake, and it made me feel older and not as left out. It was a really neat learning experience and it made for some very sweet memories between me and my mother :)
Apr 4, 2014
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It's gotta be something fairly simple, and fun to bake, and obviously even funner to eat!
Mostly I just let the first timers choose in our household. We'll do different recipes if different people have never baked before, so that everyone can choose what they want to bake first.
Apr 3, 2014
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Cookies are usually the go to when baking with kids, isn't it? I helped my mother with the cooking since I was a little thing, but the first thing that she let me make on my own was chocolate chip cookies. They're simple, extremely hard to mess up, and everyone loves them! I suggest trying to teach them by making cookies together.
Apr 26, 2014
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I know when I was a kid I baked with my little Easy Bake Oven, and we made chocolate chip cookies too, along with brownies (from a mix). Those pre-made Pillsbury sugar cookies are fun too!
Apr 30, 2014
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I don’t remember baking with my mother or babysitter in the kitchen, although I am sure I did. I do remember that my mom bought me a cookbook for children and the first thing I made out of it was a cherry merengue pie. It was something I did all by myself, and I made several times. I remember teaching my little sister how to make boxed brownies and then I bought her a bunch of cookie kits sadly many years later they are still in the boxes.

I love the idea of starting my kid out on pies. I would imagine that crumbing flour and butter together would be an enjoyable mess to make. Then there would be the blind baking and mixing up the filling- lots of fun!

Oatmeal cookies would be another easy project, and healthy as well. I want to mix up a batch just thinking of it :D
Jul 17, 2013
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The first thing me and my nieces bakes something we decided it ought to be cookies. We baked them, then decorate them. I think I'll bake cupcakes with my kids next. It really sounds perfect to me! We can prepare the mix, bake it, then decorate it :)
Oct 25, 2014
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My children have always baked cornbread first. Then it was store bought cookies and cakes. I have one more child left to hit that mark, so should I start her off in the same direction?
I almost feel it's unimportant what you bake with your children. Just the quality time and the life lesson that it takes hard work and imagination to produce things is good enough inspiration. So, whether it's cornbread as you said, or pumpkin pie the kids are benefiting from the whole exercise. It's really nice to bake with your kids. they will always remember those times.
Sep 28, 2013
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I don't really think there's any one necessary starting point across the line...each kid and family is different. But I do think there are a few good staples to use as an introduction- cookies and little cupcakes come to mind for me, and are how I started with my boys...but I started out with cakes myself.
Jun 27, 2014
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I don't think there is one particular item that a child should bake first.....i think they can bake just about any dish if that child is able to maneuver around the kitchen and follow guidelines that are laid down.

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