California Earthquake!


May 21, 2019
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Checking to see if anyone was close to the earthquake or had friends/relatives close to it and, if so, if they’re okay.

If you hadn’t heard, California’s 4th of July and now the 5th has had quite a shake-up. The epicenter is located in the middle part of Southern California. Yesterday it was hit by a 6.4, tonight it got a larger jolt of 7.1...which is big! These were followed by a bunch of smaller aftershocks. The shakes from these have been felt as far as Nevada and Mexico. I live about 200 miles away and I really felt it both yesterday and today. The blinds swayed, dishes and windows rattled, and everything rocked, gently but unsettlingly, for nearly a minute. Which is a long time if you’re in the middle of an earthquake.

I’m fine and nothing got thrown off shelves or broke. But even though we’re getting the “mild” side of this, it’s still scary.

If you were in range of this quake, please check in and let us know how you’re doing.
Jun 22, 2017
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Checking to see if anyone was close to the earthquake or had friends/relatives close to it and, if so, if they’re okay.

If you hadn’t heard, California’s 4th of July and now the 5th has had quite a shake-up. The epicenter is located in the middle part of Southern California. Yesterday it was hit by a 6.4, tonight it got a larger jolt of 7.1...which is big! These were followed by a bunch of smaller aftershocks. The shakes from these have been felt as far as Nevada and Mexico. I live about 200 miles away and I really felt it both yesterday and today. The blinds swayed, dishes and windows rattled, and everything rocked, gently but unsettlingly, for nearly a minute. Which is a long time if you’re in the middle of an earthquake.

I’m fine and nothing got thrown off shelves or broke. But even though we’re getting the “mild” side of this, it’s still scary.

If you were in range of this quake, please check in and let us know how you’re doing.

Ohhh I just saw this! I don’t have a television so I dont see the news. Wow that’s a powerful earthquake. I’m glad you’re safe and no damage to your property.

That’s as strong as the one we had San Francisco in 1989. Interesting where my house in the city wasn’t damaged in that quake. Fortunately we were on solid ground. But a lot of my friends had damage.

Our downtown in Napa is still under reconstruction from the earthquake we had in 2014. It was only a 6.0 quake, but the buildings were old brick with no seismic supports so the just cracked and crumbled. Our main post office was so badly damaged that the government decided it wasn’t even worth repairing. So they sold the building. After a quick it just takes so long to repair the damage
Last edited:
Jun 22, 2017
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This is an interesting article on the quake damage or lack of in the SoCal quake. I was wondering why there was so little news coverage about the quake. Normally earthquakes of this magnitude dominate the news for weeks, but there was so little damage, there isn’t much to cover.

After the 1989 quake in San Francisco, there was a huge push to bolt the foundations down on private homes in the Bay Area. It paid off for the homeowners in the 2914 quake in Napa. But the cost of retrofit of those old brick buildings downtown was too high, so owners didn’t do it. So all suffered extensive damage and ended up having to sell out to developers since they had no quake insurance.

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