Took a trip to visit my parents in Puerto Rico last month and they had these awesome shortbread cookies in the kitchen. Stakun's Dutch Shortbread Cookies.
I had never seen these in my life and they are so freaking yummy!! It was funny because they kept telling me about how they tasted just like ones my Great-grandmother kept in her house when they were dating. Mom kept saying to me, "Don't you remember the blue can?" honestly, I had no idea what she was talking about. LOL
Then I remembered a short round tin that my Grandmother kept sewing items in, but these I see at Wal-mart so these apparently are not the ones she swoons about.
What are these cookies she speaks of? She says they don't exist anymore but she is super happy with these new ones. My father and her even took a trip to the factory where they make them! They were like kids again.
Attached is a pic of the ones on their kitchen counter, I loved them so much I brought back 4 cans with me to Texas. Proud to say they are made in Puerto Rico!! I'm going to have to have them send me these cookies on a regular basis!! #puertorico