How to temper chocolate fast.

retired baker

Jan 12, 2020
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I get a headache watching videos on how to which go on for 17 minutes for 30 seconds of information.

Any decent choc you buy (real choc, not supermkt chips) is already tempered, as long as you stay below 100F it is still in temper.
So just melt it anywhere between 97 and 100F , it will be completely liquid but in temper.
Now stir it slowly as the temp drops to 91f and its ready to use.
Choose your own way to melt it, bain marie or microwave, just be careful not to overheat the batch.

You'll see tabliering, pouring half the batch on the table to cool it down faster, I don't bother, it makes a big mess and you don't save that much time.
Seeding a good way to accelerate the cooling and the fresh choc helps the temper, especially if you drifted above 100F.

Blooming can almost always be traced to wrong temps , a cold draft or introducing a cold tool to the tempered batch.
For that reason I use an infra red thermometer that doen't contact the batch and the same tool to stir all through the process.
The fancy tool I use is just a cheap butter knife, its fine for batches up to 3 lbs.

If your batch is all tmpered and ready to go at 91F, your kitchen is 60F for example, you cannot pick up a spoon at 60F and put it in the choc,
it will surely streak the batch. So nothing cold should be intriduced in the choc.

With all the conditions in mind, it still comes down to melt it to 100F and cool to 91F whilst stirring slowly.

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