Becky is updates....

Sep 7, 2015
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Poor Becky has been out with back problems for a while. From the last I heard, it may be a while.
If you don't know Becky, she's awesome, and this is her site. As Becky claims not to be a professional baker o_O, she has a lot of wisdom for someone who only bakes from home.

Since Becky has been out, I've been trying to help out some with questions from others. I was a professional baker/cake decorator some years back, and gave it up because there just was no money in it at that time. Although I was not Chef status professional, I learned a lot and discovered a lot of "secrets" in the baking industry, which you should be able to find in some of my threads on this site.

Recently, it seems we have a professional thats come along, Norcalbaker59. It seems they know a lot about baking, and hopefully will help out with all the newbie amateurs posting questions on here. I've been working a lot of overtime at my job, so I don't have much time to get on here anymore to help out, but I try and check in at least once a week.

Hopefully Norcalbaker59 won't mind helping out a bit, until Becky can get back on here. Not that it's really busy here, but sometimes it seems everybody has a question all in the same day......and other times......"crickets chirping". LOL

It seems our other pro's that were frequenting here have become too busy for us, as I have not seen any posting action from them since last fall.

So, if you have questions......please ask! It might be a day or two before someone replies, but someone should hopefully reply within a week.




Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for making this post ChesterV :). Becky is still having back problems, and one of the complications has meant that looking at a screen (even on a phone) and concentrating is quite difficult. I mentioned this thread to her and she is going to try and log in from her phone so she can at least give an update :D. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before things are back to normal.
Mar 26, 2013
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@ChesterV thank you so much for this post, you are awesome! You are such a highly valued member here, we all really appreciate your contribution.

As Ian said, I've been laid up with back problems for a while. Until a few weeks ago I could still go on my laptop for a bit each day, but unfortunately that's not currently the case now. I had some lumbar injections a few weeks back and since then I've also had a severe headache and I find it increasingly difficult to concentrate as the day goes on. However, given that I reacted so badly to the injections I'm hopeful that my back problems can be fixed surgically soon.

Once I'm recovered enough from the surgery I will be back on here every day and hopefully back in the kitchen baking! I can't wait, lying down all day is very boring.

Best wishes to everyone, and I look forward to catching up with you all soon :)
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
@ChesterV thank you so much for this post, you are awesome! You are such a highly valued member here, we all really appreciate your contribution.

As Ian said, I've been laid up with back problems for a while. Until a few weeks ago I could still go on my laptop for a bit each day, but unfortunately that's not currently the case now. I had some lumbar injections a few weeks back and since then I've also had a severe headache and I find it increasingly difficult to concentrate as the day goes on. However, given that I reacted so badly to the injections I'm hopeful that my back problems can be fixed surgically soon.

Once I'm recovered enough from the surgery I will be back on here every day and hopefully back in the kitchen baking! I can't wait, lying down all day is very boring.

Best wishes to everyone, and I look forward to catching up with you all soon :)

Glad to hear from you! I know how back problems are, they run in my family. I don't know anyone in my family who hasn't had some form of back issues......well, except for my sister. She seems to have skipped inheriting this problem.

Hope the Dr.s figure something out that works for you!!!! I mean, really.......with all the tech they have nowadays, you'd think they would have spine replacements or something, you know?

Wouldn't that be neat? Go down to the medical supply place, grab a new spine and have the old doc put it in for you?

Get better fast! :)
Mar 26, 2013
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I'm about the same unfortunately. I saw the consultant recently, and he needs to speak to a number of colleagues before the next stage. I'm just waiting to hear back from him for now, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

Ive been trying to do a bit more (small jobs around the house) but the more I do the worse I get, so I'm trying to find the right balance. It's very frustrating!

Hope you're doing well @ChesterV, and thanks for the kind messages :)

By the way, I've been watching a lot of YouTube and my new favourite channel is How to Cook That with Ann Reardon. Have you seen it? If not then definitely check it out! :D
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
I'm about the same unfortunately. I saw the consultant recently, and he needs to speak to a number of colleagues before the next stage. I'm just waiting to hear back from him for now, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

Ive been trying to do a bit more (small jobs around the house) but the more I do the worse I get, so I'm trying to find the right balance. It's very frustrating!

Hope you're doing well @ChesterV, and thanks for the kind messages :)

By the way, I've been watching a lot of YouTube and my new favourite channel is How to Cook That with Ann Reardon. Have you seen it? If not then definitely check it out! :D

Happy to hear things are moving along for you! Thats always good.

I have never heard of that show, but I will check it out!!!

Keep us updated!!!!

Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
I gave Ann Reardon a looksee, and I ended up watching the watermelon desserts video.....


Jun 22, 2017
Reaction score
Poor Becky has been out with back problems for a while. From the last I heard, it may be a while.
If you don't know Becky, she's awesome, and this is her site. As Becky claims not to be a professional baker o_O, she has a lot of wisdom for someone who only bakes from home.

Since Becky has been out, I've been trying to help out some with questions from others. I was a professional baker/cake decorator some years back, and gave it up because there just was no money in it at that time. Although I was not Chef status professional, I learned a lot and discovered a lot of "secrets" in the baking industry, which you should be able to find in some of my threads on this site.

Recently, it seems we have a professional thats come along, Norcalbaker59. It seems they know a lot about baking, and hopefully will help out with all the newbie amateurs posting questions on here. I've been working a lot of overtime at my job, so I don't have much time to get on here anymore to help out, but I try and check in at least once a week.

Hopefully Norcalbaker59 won't mind helping out a bit, until Becky can get back on here. Not that it's really busy here, but sometimes it seems everybody has a question all in the same day......and other times......"crickets chirping". LOL

It seems our other pro's that were frequenting here have become too busy for us, as I have not seen any posting action from them since last fall.

So, if you have questions......please ask! It might be a day or two before someone replies, but someone should hopefully reply within a week.



I missed not seeing you around here, and was wondering if all was okay. Hope things slow done at your job so you can check in more often.
Jun 22, 2017
Reaction score
I'm about the same unfortunately. I saw the consultant recently, and he needs to speak to a number of colleagues before the next stage. I'm just waiting to hear back from him for now, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

Ive been trying to do a bit more (small jobs around the house) but the more I do the worse I get, so I'm trying to find the right balance. It's very frustrating!

Hope you're doing well @ChesterV, and thanks for the kind messages :)

By the way, I've been watching a lot of YouTube and my new favourite channel is How to Cook That with Ann Reardon. Have you seen it? If not then definitely check it out! :D

Hope you're on the mend. Surgery is never easy.

I love Ann Reardon. She gets in those tiny details that takes your cakes and baked goods to the next level. I scoped out her guitar cake a few weeks ago. My BIL is an accomplished guitarist, and I'm thinking of making him a guitar cake.
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
I'm about the same unfortunately. I saw the consultant recently, and he needs to speak to a number of colleagues before the next stage. I'm just waiting to hear back from him for now, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

Ive been trying to do a bit more (small jobs around the house) but the more I do the worse I get, so I'm trying to find the right balance. It's very frustrating!

Hope you're doing well @ChesterV, and thanks for the kind messages :)

By the way, I've been watching a lot of YouTube and my new favourite channel is How to Cook That with Ann Reardon. Have you seen it? If not then definitely check it out! :D


How are things? Did the doctors find a solution for you yet?
Hope you are getting better!!

Things have been a bit slow on here lately, I guess people are coming back from vacations and gearing up for school now.

Let us know how you are doing!

Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone! :)

Same old same here. Still waiting for the consultant to decide the next steps - everyone he needs to speak to has been away on holiday recently which has slowed things up, but I'm hoping for some news any day now.

Ive been trying to do more during the day - little tasks like making lunch. Unfortunately I find that the more I do the worse I am, but I'm trying to strike the right balance of doing a bit without making myself too much worse.

Ian is currently baking me a white chocolate and orange cake and he has an ingenious way of lining the tins:

20170812_122225.jpg 20170812_122232.jpg

I never thought to do it like that! Trust an engineer to come up with an ingenious alternative to cutting discs of paper!

I'll let you know how it turns out :)
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Hi everyone! :)

Same old same here. Still waiting for the consultant to decide the next steps - everyone he needs to speak to has been away on holiday recently which has slowed things up, but I'm hoping for some news any day now.

Ive been trying to do more during the day - little tasks like making lunch. Unfortunately I find that the more I do the worse I am, but I'm trying to strike the right balance of doing a bit without making myself too much worse.

Ian is currently baking me a white chocolate and orange cake and he has an ingenious way of lining the tins:

View attachment 1035 View attachment 1036

I never thought to do it like that! Trust an engineer to come up with an ingenious alternative to cutting discs of paper!

I'll let you know how it turns out :)

I've come to find out over the years, that engineers, chemists, and scientists make some of the best cooks and bakers. They realize how things work together and can pretty much make something from nothing.........or invent a way to get it done more economically and efficiently, without subjecting the food to being less than you want it to be.

Jun 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi everyone! :)

Same old same here. Still waiting for the consultant to decide the next steps - everyone he needs to speak to has been away on holiday recently which has slowed things up, but I'm hoping for some news any day now.

Ive been trying to do more during the day - little tasks like making lunch. Unfortunately I find that the more I do the worse I am, but I'm trying to strike the right balance of doing a bit without making myself too much worse.

Ian is currently baking me a white chocolate and orange cake and he has an ingenious way of lining the tins:

View attachment 1035 View attachment 1036

I never thought to do it like that! Trust an engineer to come up with an ingenious alternative to cutting discs of paper!

I'll let you know how it turns out :)

Lol! Practical and efficient!

Sorry to hear your health hasn't improved. My oldest son has a couple of herniated disks; there's so much pain and so few effective treatments. Hope you find something that helps.
Mar 26, 2013
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Thank you for thinking of me! :) I'm still about the same unfortunately. The current theory is that I might have a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak which would explain why I get worse when I do things (because being upright causes the leak to get worse). From what Ian has read, you can run a sort-of test for CSF leaks by lying completely flat without a pillow for 48 hours (only getting up briefly for bathroom breaks), and if the symptoms improve it's likely that they're caused by a leak. So that's what I'm doing at the moment! Fingers crossed...

Meanwhile I'm drawing up a long list of things I want to do when I'm better. There's nothing like the power of positive thinking eh? :D

Hope you're all well :)
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Thank you for thinking of me! :) I'm still about the same unfortunately. The current theory is that I might have a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak which would explain why I get worse when I do things (because being upright causes the leak to get worse). From what Ian has read, you can run a sort-of test for CSF leaks by lying completely flat without a pillow for 48 hours (only getting up briefly for bathroom breaks), and if the symptoms improve it's likely that they're caused by a leak. So that's what I'm doing at the moment! Fingers crossed...

Meanwhile I'm drawing up a long list of things I want to do when I'm better. There's nothing like the power of positive thinking eh? :D

Hope you're all well :)

So, if the leak is what it is, is that an easy "fix"? Or do you just have to do everything lying down?
Well, its super nice your hubby is there for you, and to do that kind of research for you is awesome.

There isn't much going on where I'm at......just the same old thing.

Crossing fingers you get some answers you want real soon!!!

Oct 31, 2014
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@Ian you can ignore my request for an update about Becky. I see she is here speaking for herself. Becky with this therapy from @ChesterV you are going to be well. His cheery posts are enough to heal a whole nation.Maybe I should tell him about some of my aches and pains and see how it works out for me. :D:D
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
@Ian you can ignore my request for an update about Becky. I see she is here speaking for herself. Becky with this therapy from @ChesterV you are going to be well. His cheery posts are enough to heal a whole nation.Maybe I should tell him about some of my aches and pains and see how it works out for me. :D:D

Well, you can always ask the Fairy Cat Mother to wave her magic wand over your pains!!!
(I would probably disappear then....) ha ha ha


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