Are you still using Cookbooks?

Nov 9, 2015
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I use cookbooks for baking and visual pleasure and entertainment. Yes, I'll just pick up a cookbook and flip through the photos for inspiration or just plain fun. But I have started to seek recipes on the internet more often than I ever thought I would. I have approximately 200 cookbooks and I still buy more. So, I'm not sure why I have to keep looking on the internet for recipes. Maybe I'm obsessed. Are you?
Feb 21, 2015
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Yes! Being someone who loves books and not just cookbooks, I love collecting them, it just gives you a different feel to have a book in your hands and flip through the pages to look for the recipe you want. I have just about 6 right now though and if I don't manage to find a recipe I want, I would just look it up. :3
Nov 9, 2015
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I have found that recipe books are becoming obsolete. Ingredients have changed. Methods have changed. Cookware has changed
It is my preference to use the internet now. I keep a couple of little notebooks to copy instructions down, and if i like them I copy then onto index cards. My oldest daughter takesme to doctor visits and takes notes. She goes through my recipes while we wait for the doctor. It is better than reading those magazines in the office.:)
Aug 18, 2015
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i look on the internet, now i need to find one of my two cook books come to think of it :)
Oct 31, 2014
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Not in a long time if my memory serves me well. I still have some but I am quick to head to the internet to get my recipes. It probably looks silly heading to the kitchen with a laptop and it's kind of uncomfortable. Once or twice I've used my phone but I still like cookbooks around. Still I won't rush out to get one.
Aug 9, 2013
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I have cookbooks! I use the internet when I want something I don't have a recipe for. I also use pinterest a lot!!! Love that site! I can keep all my recipes in one place and don't have to search for them. But, I have some favorite recipes in cookbooks too so I will probably keep them. :) I like the feel of a book in my hands too! But I also like the ease of recipes online! Oh, and i also have recipes handed down from family on index cards! LOL
Mar 19, 2015
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Actually when I am not yet still married I had already invested in some cooking and baking cookbooks. And I am still using it even though we can find various recipes in the internet. In fact all my cookbooks I take care of it very well and I put plastic covers so that it will last for a long time. Then I had kept them in one corner of my bookshelve. For me I am still comfortable using a cookbook when I am seeing and reading it in writing than watching recipes in the internet like in the Youtube.
Dec 20, 2015
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I’m not obsessed per say but I have a nice collection of cook books. I have a thing for old cook books especially. Something about that old-timey feel of cooking for the husband (every old cook book I have makes some reference to cooking for a husband) and the way the pictures look that gets me every time. I also like new cook books with their sleek pages and glossy pictures, but not as much. I have about 50 cook books so if I get anymore I’ll be well on my way to obsessed. I find that nowadays if I purchase a cook book it’s because it’s specialized in something. The other day I got a Korean cook book, and I have about three Chinese cook books. I’m looking into getting one for Vietnamese, Sichuan, Indian style foods. I also need to get some ones for European cuisine but I don’t drink or eat pork so I’m a bit on the fence about it. I don’t want to purchase a book where half of the recipes call for pork and the other for wine even if I can sub it out for something else. I have appearances to keep and all.
Mar 8, 2014
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I still use cookbooks to this day and I love to collect them. I do not hunt through them as much as I used to looking for recipes, but they are still an old faithful friend of mine. There is something exciting about finding my next favorite cookbook at the bookstore. I am much more picky with the books that I buy these days as I want to make sure that I will use most of the recipes in them. The internet is reserved for certain and specific dishes I am looking to make.
Apr 13, 2015
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Yes and no - I have some cookbooks that I adore, and I do get tempted by a lot of the photography in baking cookbooks - they're like works of art a lot of the time! So sometimes I do indulge in buying paper based cookbooks. In saying that though, I do search for a lot of things online. If I had to venture a guess I would say it's about 70% online and 30% cookbook use.
Dec 21, 2015
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As a chef I learned that cookbooks are very important. You do not need an actual book but you need your recipes in a notebook so you don't miss something. It is not easy to work in big kitchens. As for home purpose I use them all the time when I need something particular. If I just make spaghetti I usually make them by 'ear'. For some more complex or things that I don't cook so often I turn to the book. I have plenty of these and all of them very useful.
Sep 2, 2016
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I use recipes from cookbooks, the internet, and magazines. I have cookbooks for international recipes which I bought in sets of 3 and cookbooks featuring local recipes. I love learning the local recipes because they come from famous chefs or clans of chefs in my country and the cookbooks feature cooking and baking tips. I've been planning for quite sometime to put up a small restaurant so I need to learn standard local meals and delicacies as well as selected international dishes. I use the internet a lot when I'm searching for recipes of dishes or drinks I just enjoyed and it has never failed me so far.
Jul 24, 2016
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This is not to brag but my husband seems to be a wizard in the kitchen. He didn't know how to cook when I met him but he learned by himself when he realized that cooking is out of my aptitude level. And then he learned to make desserts and had bakes treats using his original recipe. His best products are the cassava cake which never fails to mesmerize our house guests and the yam jam which is reputedly the best yam jam in the world, according to friends. That means we have no cookbook at home since we do the cooking and baking by oido.

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