Air Pockets in Cookies

Feb 21, 2025
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I’ve been baking 6 ounce cookies for over 4 years now and just opened a store front in October! Everything was going well until suddenly the cookies started getting these weird air pockets and dough under each pocket is dense and almost gummy. I’ve determined that it likely isn’t my recipes because I have over 150 flavors and they are all affected AND I’ve used other random recipes I found on the internet and it happened to them as well. What really gets me is that I made a batch in my home kitchen as well and it happened there too. I will add a picture with a list of things that I have tried (plus some I didn’t even write down) as well as pics of when the cookies were at their worst and where they are at now (which is test batches using only sugars, butter, egg and flour)
The issue seems to be enhanced by leavening agents and an increased fan speed, but are still present without either of those factors involved.
I have done over 100 test batches and am completely stuck, I have no idea what could be causing this.
Jan 12, 2020
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The ones you test baked at home, was the batter mixed at work?
You need to mix them at home exactly the way you always did...not using ingredients from work.

If they wortk out good then take some and bake them in the commercial oven.

You changed something, either different mixing machines or trays. Or parchment paper. The bottom photo looks too wet. If the batter is too wet the gluten will develop and produce pockets, a good commercial mixer can do that.
If you scaled up your recipes from home to a bakery , thats a potential trouble source.
Its also possible the commercial oven is running hot. Get an infra red gun and check it.
Feb 21, 2025
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The batch I did from home was using only ingredients from home. I’ve tried three different mixers (a big Hobart mixer and 2 small kitchen aids) and mixing by hand.
I agree that they seem too moist, but it’s the same recipes that I’ve used for years, why do they suddenly seem that way?
Same trays and parchment paper too.
Jan 12, 2020
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something changed without you knowing.
Did you change any brands ?
Different flour or baking powder ?
Try making a normal choc chip cookie using the recipe off the bag of chips.
Did you start out using retail ingredients then change to wholesale ingredients.
Feb 21, 2025
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something changed without you knowing.
Did you change any brands ?
Different flour or baking powder ?
Try making a normal choc chip cookie using the recipe off the bag of chips.
Did you start out using retail ingredients then change to wholesale ingredients.
No brands changed, and I have tried multiple brands of every ingredient.
ive tried three brands of flour, and done batches with no baking powder.
I’ve tried making other recipes and making them as your regular sized cookies, and while the pockets weren’t nearly as noticeable because the cookies were thinner, they were still present.
I am now using wholesale ingredients, but have tested using the same brands from the same store that I used to get ingredients from.
This really is so baffling!
Jan 12, 2020
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No brands changed, and I have tried multiple brands of every ingredient.
ive tried three brands of flour, and done batches with no baking powder.
I’ve tried making other recipes and making them as your regular sized cookies, and while the pockets weren’t nearly as noticeable because the cookies were thinner, they were still present.
I am now using wholesale ingredients, but have tested using the same brands from the same store that I used to get ingredients from.
This really is so baffling!
its probably always been a bit like that,
when conditions conspired you noticed.
Post a recipe for the bottom photo, I'll make a small batch and we'll see.

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